5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

If you're experiencing back pain or neck pain, the discomfort can prevent you from accomplishing tasks throughout the day. At Austin Chiropractic & Rehab in Austin, TX, we offer various treatments to reduce your discomfort and improve your health. Before scheduling your appointment, learn about five common chiropractic techniques that can help address back pain and neck pain below:

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is one of the most well-known chiropractic techniques. It involves applying controlled force to the joints in the spine to improve mobility and alleviate pain. This technique is often used to treat misalignments and reduce inflammation in the back and neck.


The flexion-distraction technique is a gentle, non-thrusting spinal adjustment method used to treat herniated discs, sciatica, and other conditions causing lower back and neck pain. It uses a specially designed table that helps stretch and decompress the spine, relieving pressure on affected areas.

Activator Method

The activator method utilizes a handheld, spring-loaded device to deliver precise, low-force adjustments to specific points along the spine. This technique is commonly used for patients who require a gentler approach, such as those with osteoporosis or joint conditions and is effective for both back and neck pain.

Drop-Table Technique

This technique utilizes a specialized table with sections that drop down slightly as the chiropractor applies quick, targeted pressure to the spine. The movement of the table enhances the adjustment, helping to correct misalignments and reduce discomfort in the spine.

Therapeutic Exercises

Rehab exercises are essential for managing back and neck pain. They strengthen the muscles around the spine, providing better support and stability. Stretching improves flexibility and reduces tension, while exercises correct postural imbalances and enhance spinal alignment. Regular exercise also supports circulation and healing, contributing to long-term relief and improved physical function.

Contact Austin Chiropractic & Rehab for an Appointment Today!

At Austin Chiropractic & Rehab in Austin, TX, we utilize a variety of hands-on techniques to provide for back and neck pain. With methods like adjustments, spinal decompression, and exercises, we help enhance rehabilitation and injury treatment. To learn more about our treatments and to schedule your appointment, call us at (512) 451-0115 today. When you need a chiropractor near you, our team is happy to assist!

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